“We dedicate life to your eyes”
CLÍNICA BARRAQUER, Ophthalmological Center opens its doors to the service of Colombians on December 20, 1968 in the city of Bogotá D.C. founded by Professor José Ignacio Barraquer Moner (RIP) who arrived in the city of Bogotá in 1953 as a world-renowned doctor and with the purpose of creating a school far from Barcelona Spain, where he had worked in the clinic founded by his father, Ignacio Barraquer in 1939. The construction of the building began in 1964 on a lot located on Calle 100 with transversal 18 in the capital, which at that time was considered the northern limit of the city. Only in the mind of a pioneer, as Professor Barraquer always was, was the idea of founding the Barraquer Clinic present, betting that the gradual growth of the city would allow its long-term positioning and consolidation.
Around the year 1965, the Instituto Barraquer de América was founded as a civil, non-profit, scientific entity dedicated to research, study, teaching and dissemination of Ophthalmological Science. Currently directed by Dr. Carmen Barraquer Coll. Its activities throughout the years of its existence show the effort to investigate and create new techniques and tools that improve the visual health of patients.
The academic and investigative spirit of the Barraquer Dynasty, especially Professor José Ignacio Barraquer Moner, remains alive in time and history through the Higher School of Ophthalmology whose primary objective is to expand opportunities for access to higher education, especially to advanced training in ophthalmology, so that all those who are passionate about medicine and this specialty have access to comprehensive and progressive training.
Dr. José Ignacio Barraquer Moner marks a momentous milestone in the history of Ophthalmology by providing new surgical techniques and the design of medical devices that are the basis of current refractive surgery technology, which is why he was named one of the ten Ophthalmologists important of the twentieth century, and is known as the father of refractive surgery.
After the death of Dr. José Ignacio Barraquer Moner, on February 13, 1998, his three ophthalmologist children, Francisco (RIP), Carmen Barraquer Coll and José Ignacio Barraquer Granados, were in charge of continuing the family tradition.