Medical Criteria Considering that the Barraquer organization is a space for training future Ophthalmologists, medical criteria will be the fundamental pillar of clinical decisions and will remain above economic and political interests. We make our patients clearly understand their visual condition, why behaviors and treatments are proposed or not, the analysis of existing alternatives, always being clear about their implications and possible results.
Freedom The Barraquer Clinic organization, respecting its history and commitment to doctors, will defend their independence and autonomy through clear and open relationships that, based on compliance with minimum standards and indicators, allow the free development of work assistance.
Ethics The Barraquer organization and its members will be recognized for their ethical actions and decisions in all areas.
Prudence We reflect on the events or activities, on the possible risks that these entail and on the consequences of our decisions, understanding that we are an organization with common interests, adapting or modifying our behavior so as not to cause damage.
Trust We cultivate it through our sincerity of word, the competence in our actions and the credibility that we build day by day within the organization and outside it.
Efficiency We use the resources of the entire organization regardless of its condition, seeking to optimize and standardize processes to achieve the best results for patients, employees and the institution itself.
Compassion and Consideration We always think of the patient’s needs and act kindly on their behalf.
Compression We fulfill our mission, with what was agreed within the organization, with the promise made and the word given. In addition, we do not leave for tomorrow what we have to do today.
Respect and Punctuality The relations between the members of the Clinic and the patients will be kept within the norms of courtesy and cordiality, being respectful at all times. Likewise, opinions, beliefs, religions and ways of thinking within the framework of the philosophy and mission of the Barraquer organization will be respected. The collaborators of the Clinic respect the schedules established by common agreement and we favor punctuality as a fundamental value of relationships.
We enjoy what we do We fulfill ourselves with what we do and update our purpose through daily work, constantly seeking the fullness and happiness of our being.
Communication and Transparency Our people are characterized by promoting dialogue, clarifying and solving relationship problems that arise, seeking the appropriate spaces that generate a harmonious work environment and an adequate development of our activities to achieve the objectives of the exemplary organization.